Gianluca Violante
Professor of Economics
Princent university
Gianluca Violante is a Professor of Economics at Princeton University. He is also a Research Associate of the NBER, CEPR, IFS and IZA and a Fellow of the Econometric Society. After his Laurea from the Universita' di Torino, Gianluca received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining Princeton, he taught at University College London and NYU.
Gianluca served as the Coordinating Editor of the Review of Economic Dynamics, and one of the Co-Editors of Econometrica. He currently sits on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Economic Perspectives. His main research interests are in macroeconomics, labor economics, and public finance. He has published his research in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Review of Economic Studies, among others. One of his publications won the Economics in Central Banking Award.
Gianluca’s research webpage —>